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Saturday Fun 6PM WA TODAY

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:32 pm
by Cosmic Andy (Staff)
Lottery Tickets can be purchased today from Polly, Chime, Cosmic Andy, Pye & Dan giving you more chances to win and a bigger jackpot.

5:55 PM - 5:57PM - World will restart to enable 60/T hour special.

6PM to 7PM - Yahtzee with Devra inside 100 Oxford Road East.

7PM to 8PM - We will start to bake the cookies & host 2 games of hide and seek to win GOLD!!!

8PM - 10PM - The radio show party today will be hosted at the home of 100 Oxford Street in Village Commons area.

8:55PM - Lottery Results

9PM -10PM - DarksiderJ & Polly will be hosting musical chairs. Winner gets choice of colored boxes with an aw prize inside.

10PM - 11PM - Temple Street turf Auction House we will be hosting a rares auction selling items from abandoned turfs. You can bid for items using credit card balances and regular tokens.

The final auction will be to own 100 Oxford street home. (We will clean up after the party for you)

11PM - 11:30PM - Cosmic Andy will be around to chat and answer any questions.

11:30PM - World will restart to disable 60T / hour