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Turf Deco Contest for Dec.
2 Contests this month

VIP outside of townhomes..

Should be Holiday Theme

Each home will be judged by the work performed
If neighbors want work together and deco the outside they will split the prize if chosen as the winner..
The entries are to be submitted no later than Dec 27th and the winners will be announced on Jan 31st.
All entries are to be submitted via the forums.
If you wish your items to be glued down please esp staff to do so..
VIPs are able to rent a second turf and deco a one room to enter the contest as well..
Each home will be judged by the work done.
The prizes will be Gold and are as follows:
1st = 30
2nd = 20
3rd = 10
Thank you and Good Luck to everyone who enter :D

Rodeo bad chick
User avatar
Standard contest

Should be Holiday Themed.

Each home will be judged by the work performed
We are asking for each to rent a 1 room turf to deco.
Must be a clean slate.

Entries must be entered via forums no later than Dec 27th and the winners will be announced on Jan 31st.

The prizes will be in the form of Gold and are as follows:

1st = 30
2nd = 20
3rd = 10
If you have any questions please send me an esp mail.

Thank you and Good Luck to everyone who enter
Rodeo bad chick :D
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By Mel
Disregard this.. was having trouble getting photo loaded. got it.
Last edited by Mel on Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Mel
Here's mine

turf: Mel's backyard
1 room TST

Catolyte M Melinda
Add description
melschristmasturf.jpg (132.72 KiB) Viewed 12700 times
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By info1
Wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year
Coris winterworld 2018.jpg
Coris winterworld 2018.jpg (166.66 KiB) Viewed 12591 times
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By info1
info1 wrote:
Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:58 pm
Wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year
This is the 1-Room-Turf from Cori, MerritB, Maxim@ and Cori@anna "Coris Main Residence" AW-Turf-Manager TST
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By info1
Hi, is there the possibility upload a animated picture, many snow falls in my picture and it looks better with animated snow. I dont see a possibility load animated gifs

Cori from DS - turf: the old Door-Turf "Coris Main Residence" - 1-room-turf after closure the WA-Door-Turfs not used.

Should be Holiday Themed.

Each home will be judged by the work performed
We are asking for each to rent a 1 room turf to deco.
Must be a clean slate.

Entries must be entered via forums no later than Dec 27th and the winners will be announced on Jan 31st.

The prizes will be in the form of Gold and are as follows:

1st = 30
2nd = 20
3rd = 10
If you have any questions please send me an esp mail.

Thank you and Good Luck to everyone who enter
Rodeo bad chick :D