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Dapi C++ DDE Communication Example and Documentation

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:27 pm
by Coal (Staff)
This one is for the programmers and geeks out there who just love to see how things work.

This is the C++ core that powered the original wadapi.dll and shows the original Fujitsu code that was released to show how to communicate with the WorldsAway client.

For those who want a "non geeky" explanation of what this is: this is the source code that explains how an external program like game hosters are able to communicate with the VZones/WorldsAway client and tell it what to do such as get local text or send messages and ESPs.

I took the old Fujitsu C++ code and made it so it can be compiled in Visual Studio 2017.

I have also uploaded the original documentation that explained how it all worked:

Source Code:

Re: Dapi C++ DDE Communication Example and Documentation

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 4:04 am
by goemjo
Was the original C++ code Borland C++ by any chance? I would like to make a text to speech plugin and translation plugin for VZones but I'd want to do it with Embarcadero C++ builder to produce native binaries. Am I better off translating your visual C++ code or starting from scratch with the original Fujitsu demo and hacking that?