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By PoCat
Is there anyway we might get back the keyboard shortcuts for movements?
On Number Pad:
Ctrl+Arrows - Left, Right, Forward, Back
Ctrl+5 Ghost/Unghost

I have multiple windows open all the time, and to click on buttons slow me down, In the past I was able to use the Alt+Tab to quickly get to my VZone windows and talk/respond to something.. now It takes me a minute or two to even click on one of the buttons.. this sets me back in my other computing needs.

I really would appreciate it.

By btgh (Staff)

Those keyboard shortcuts have never been available from the Windows client.

Perhaps you were using some kind of helper program or plugin before?

By btgh (Staff)
I can confirm that the old client did have those keyboard shortcuts. Somewhere along the line they got dropped.

I will re-add them back into the next client release.

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By Tigerlily
“In VZones, you can use your mouse to navigate around, but you may prefer keyboard shortcuts:

Hold down the Ctrl key and press the arrow keys on your numpad (on the right side of they keyboard).
Press Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 4, 5 or 6 to turn your avatar around.
Press Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 7, 8 or 9 to switch between different talking modes.
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 2 shows how much tokens you have.”

Are these the shortcuts?