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By Cosmic Andy (Staff)
Last week we released a software update which gives you a new menu option to view how many vouchers you own. This is the first stage to a new feature that is coming in the next few weeks to change gaming prizes.

Think chuck e cheese in vzones :D

The original model of game prizes needed to be updated to make it more exciting and to get more hosts, players and developers for new games.

In the past a set of prizes would be created for a fixed period of time and players would get the chance to win during that period. With a goal of getting to 24/7 gaming after you've played a few games and won a few prizes you have less incentive to keep playing games until another month/set of prizes are released which is why change is needed.

When the voucher system is released prizes will be vouchers rather than items which are given based on winning position. For example first place will get 3 vouchers, 2nd place 2 vouchers and 3rd one voucher.

Now the magic.....

You can save vouchers. They can be stored as normal items.
You can trade vouchers with other members.
You can bank/collect the vouchers in your game voucher account (similar to paying cash into the bank). Once you bank the voucher you can't trade it with another member (it's stored in your game voucher account).

The best bit.....

You can take your voucher down to the prize shop on temple street and trade them in right away for a prize (same as you would have got when prizes were hand delivered) or you can save vouchers to claim a better prize later on.

The prize shop will have special vendos to exchange game vouchers for prizes.
The prize shop will have monthly prizes which rotate each month and permanent prizes which will be higher voucher items that you can save for. Example items may include AW items, free turf rents, free membership, rare prizes, one off items and much more.

Play more, get rewarded more :)
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By Thali
I second MissTitzy's question ... love the idea of vouchers very much :D but hope you have a plan to stop the greedy and anchoring alts at games too.
By Tangerine
Fantastic Idea. Look forward to it starting.

p.s. What happens if you never win any prizes? (sob) Can you beg, steal or borrow? :D :lol: (Just kidding.)
By Sly
I like this idea a lot!!! I look forward to seeing it implemented.

I also agree with the question from Titzy about alts.
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By Cosmic Andy (Staff)
We have a plan for ALT control which will be rolled out in stages during BETA so an ALT account won't get all the features of the main account. If a member wanted all the features of a main account for an ALT they would need to sign up for a 2nd account post BETA.

In reply to Tangerine that's also a cool thing about the new system that if you don't win prizes you could still trade with other members to get vouchers to go and claim stuff. You may also not like one months prizes but you still wan't to play games so you can save them for another time.
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By Thali
Thank you for the reply, Andy! Glad it's been thought off :)
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By PetMePlease727
Chuck E. Cheez.. LOL Had my kids birthday parties there when they were young .. .. I love the idea.. And ur correct.. A lot of us play well after winning all prizes cause we love playing and socializing ( and being PITA's :) ) But this is a great idea.. I do have some questions about Greed cause that's always been a problem with some ppl .. And the idea of *trees* selling vouchers isn't very appealing to me.. Other than that.. Good Luck and I cant wait to try something new :) :)
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By PetMePlease727
Also .. Just a thought.. U may get more hosts to host games if U offer them a Voucher payment for hosting.. Just an idea :)
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By K1TT1
Offering vouchers to host is a great idea right now I keep playing through out the prize time anyway because I have friends that host a lot and don't get as much of a chance to win prizes so I win and share. Also as soon as I can figure out a good time to host for me that I don't have to miss I will happily sign up as a host. Most likely ACRO but if a programmer comes up with something interesting and new I would love to try it out.
