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By pyewackt
Due to the many complaints we are getting about the same few getting all the hunt items, we are changing the rules a bit. Instead of drop hunts, the hunts will now be tag hunts. The hiders will hide themselves and the first person to tag them in a locale gets the prize. You tag them by clicking on them and clicking follow. The hider will give the tagger the prize then ghost and go somewhere else.

Avatars are only allowed one item per hunt. We respectfully request that you do not use alts in addition to other avatars so that everyone has a chance to win. If we find alts abusing this, it may cause more rule changes.
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By pyewackt
To clarify, in the case of the weekly prize and voucher hunts you may win one of each. When those hunts include event prizes you may also win one of those. Any questions contact Pyewacket inworld.
By atomicjeff
Your policy is ridiculous. You call this being fair when you cater to complaints of only a few, which I can count on my fingers. A hunt is a game of skill and chance. You will always have winners and losers, there is no way around it, that is what a competition is all about. These people who are complaining I can guarantee do not even hunt, or they hunt for only few minutes and quit. Yesterday with your new rules enforced the hiders had remaining items and were not even tagged. If so, many were complaining, as you claim, then all the items should have been found.

This is no longer a hunt; it's a glorified game of tag. I know that this was a direct target against people hunting for the items in particular the "Steel Brothers", because they hunt here all the time. Funny thing is, they share the items they find with anyone who asks. I have seen them give away lots of stuff to people who could not find an item. Do not tell me this was not a targeted issue because look at your words on the Easter Event page. You target them or anyone else who follows the rules and participates in the hunt. Then because of whinners on here who feel entitled you change the rules, yet so many other games on here have no limits.

If you want to talk about fairness, then be fair to all the games. Look at raffle, you have people registering multiple alts at a time, which stacks the deck in their favor. I see the same people win week after week after week. In fact, I have gone over a month and never won anything, but I did not complain. The same can be said for the event games.

I have a suggestion for you. Since you are showing blatant favoritism to a select few, I suggest you just put a vendo machine up each month so they can get the "TAG" items and save MG, Rhiannon, or anyone else who hosts hunts a whole lot of time and energy.

Sadly, I remember a time when this world was fun. People laughed, talked, and everyone participated in hunts, event games, prize draws, and other great activities. This place is a sad reminder of what we lost.
By atomicjeff
One last thing Pyewacket. You talk about fairness. The hunt games are fair. Everyone has the same opportunity to go out and participate and try to find an item. There is nothing unfair about the hunt. Just because you hunt does not mean you're going to win all the time. It's a game of chance. Funny thing. Often, I see items left behind that had been dropped hours after the hunt has been over. So, I am sure the whinners and criers you're catering too really did their best looking for hunt items during the hunt. I leave you with this quote, "The needs of the many out way those of the few, or the one". Maybe someday you will figure out what I am referring to, but I doubt it.