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By wa_quax
I really like the idea of having an own WA Time ... but why not using UTC in future?

Looks like we have London Local time inworld.. ( UTC +1 ) so it might not be a big deal because on 28th of October London (summer) time will go back to UTC -0 .. (normal aka wintertime). and again in March to UTC +1 .

If we simple stay in UTC-0 in March all is nice and easy. ...

WA has Avis from all over the world.. this is, what UTC Time was made for.. a common reference world wide.. and best of all.. nearly every remote controlled watch can be set to UTC Time... but none of it support WA Time.. so no calendar app does out of the box .. ;)

If you prefer to have a unique time zone.. don't worry .. the hardware clock of the server seems to have it's own mind about time sync..... always having some min offset to RW standards :mrgreen:
