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By nodnarb
It'd be nice to be able to move from locale to locale with a keyboard shortcut, such as CTRL+Arrow Keys.

EDIT: As Sly as pointed out, this is already a feature, please see below for instructions on how to do this.
Last edited by nodnarb on Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By nodnarb
Thanks, Sly!

For quick reference (You must use the numpad, the numerical keypad on the right side of a standard keyboard):

  • Hold Ctrl and press 2 to move South
  • Hold Ctrl and press 4 to move West
  • Hold Ctrl and press 5 to Ghost/Unghost
  • Hold Ctrl and press 6 to move East
  • Hold Ctrl and press 8 to move North

  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 1 to check the current date and time
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 2 to check how many tokens you have
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 3 to search for friends

  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 4 to spin your avatar to its left
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 5 to turn flip your avatar right around
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 6 to spin your avatar to its right

  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 7 to switch to regular chat mode
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 8 to switch to thinking chat mode
  • Hold Ctrl + Alt and press 9 to switch to ESP mode