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By Cou
I love the new mailboxes, thank you.

Would it be possible to have a mailbox with a flag which indicates when you have mail? We don't have such a thing in RW where I live, so it'd be great to have one in world :D

I don't know if the art already exists for something like this or not.

By btgh (Staff)
Sorry this isn't possible at the moment. The mail boxes are public objects that can be accessed by anyone. They are glued by your front door for your convenience and are not personal to you with regards to incoming mail.

Great idea for future development.

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By Cou
Thanks Bill. Since I posted that I've realised that the mailboxes at houses can be used by anyone. I hadn't realised this before.
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By cmasters
So since I was not smart enough to ask for a purple door for my townhouse (didn't realize I had the option) Could we have house flags in a variety of colors and seasons or seasonal wreaths that somehow could be glued to our doors? I would hope they could be token vendo based. Some prime deco seasons are upon us and since we have houses would love to be able to personalize it like we can RW.
