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By btgh (Staff)
Tigerlily wrote:
Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:52 am
We can always locate our items if we lose them in a turf by using List Room Contents. So surely that cant be the reason we cant move objects all the way to the right? All turf decorators would LOVE to lose that 5 pixels gap, however! :lol:
Thanks for mentioning this, Sly. Thanks for looking into it, Bill. hugs, Tigs.

Yes it is the reason. It's not just the mover that exhibits that behaviour. Try holding something and moving as far to the left as you can so the object is off the screen to the left then drop it. You will find that it is forced back into the locale with the same 5 pixel gap. This happens in all locales not just turfs. The issue is not with the mover but how locales work.

Using the list room contents will only work up to a point. If you move it too far off screen then you get a "Sorry, you must be next to the object chosen." error.

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By Tigerlily
btgh (Staff) wrote:
Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:15 pm
Yes it is the reason. It's not just the mover that exhibits that behaviour. Try holding something and moving as far to the left as you can so the object is off the screen to the left then drop it. You will find that it is forced back into the locale with the same 5 pixel gap. This happens in all locales not just turfs. The issue is not with the mover but how locales work.
Using the list room contents will only work up to a point. If you move it too far off screen then you get a "Sorry, you must be next to the object chosen." error.
Ah, thanks for the explanation, Bill. Appreciate straightforward communication. =)