If you need help with anything related to in world you can start by asking another member that you see on the street or by visiting our FAQ or forums. If you can't find the answer then you can ask one of our friendly Acolytes & mysterious Oracles who are specially trained citizens that offer in world support. You can page a staff member by clicking Help then Page Acolyte. The schedule below shows the times when Acolytes are available.
If no Acolytes & Oracles are on duty or you need help with an of world issue such as subscription or billing problems please open a support ticket and we will reply via email within 48 hours on working days. Customer support via email is available Monday to Friday excluding, Christmas Day, Boxing Day & UK bank holidays. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ESP MAIL OR IW MAIL WITH ITEMS ASKING FOR HELP WHEN STAFF ARE OFFLINE.
Some issues can only be handled by special citizens such as Mr Lottery who is the only citizen who can sell lottery tickets and answer questions related to the WorldsAway lottery.