Blitz 21 is a challenging game of cards in which you place cards on card slots until you get a sum of 21. Each time you get total of 21 you will get 1 point. If you go over 21, all cards in that column or row will automatically disappear and it will deduct your points.
Check Game Schedule in the website and follow VZones Time Zone. There are Hosts that are assigned to every game, Hosts are Avatars also in In World. The locale is mentioned in the schedule so you would know where to go. In this game you need a card, the Hosts will give you the link of the card to download. Follow the guide below to know how to play.
How to check VZones Time Zone? Click your Avatar then select "status" and click "What time is it?".
Step 1. Download Blitz 21 Player Card. Click the download button below to download.
Step 2. Register you Blitz 21 player card. Click the register button to register.
Step 3. Click "Get deal" button when the Host says "Timer Started for Round # - Get your Cards Now".
Step 4. Now you get the "Next Cards" which you can [place the cards in the card slots.
Step 5. Every time you place the cards total numbers are shown like on the image below. Be aware of the total numbers in each rows and columns to make sure you will not get deductions of points if you go over 21.
Step 6. This is an example of "sum of 21" which you earn 1 point.
Video Tutorial:
You can pause and play as you follow the video guide.