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Earth Day Quest ’20

Hi! I’m Earth Day Willaby ’20 and I’m inviting you to join in an Earth Day Quest. Along the way you will learn about Earth Day, and this year’s focus on climate action. Take note of the facts, you never know when you might need the information. You will also receive clues to decode a quote about the Earth.

The quest will be open through Friday, May 1. The Earth Day vendo will also be removed at the same time,.

The clues are on the TMAs of an Earth image scattered around the world. There are 18 clues and along with a fact, there is a hint to decoding the quote.

Earth Day 2020

Once you have found all the clues its time to find me and let me know what you have learned. If you do, I will go home with you. 🙂 When I ask you a question, wait for the textbox to pop up before typing.

Here is the quote you need to decode:

Good luck. I hope you have fun and learn some things to help our home.

There is also an Earth Day Vendo at North Fountain for your shopping pleasure.

All information was obtained from Earth Day: The Official Site | Earth Day Network. Please visit them for more information. Earth photo courtesy of NASA.

Earth Day Quest ’20

Pyewacket/Pye Wabbit

Inworld trouble maker (in one form or another) since 1999

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