VIP Weekly Rewards April 30, 2021
Club VIP Weekly Rewards 4/30/21 AW *His Exposed Shirt - checkAW *His Exposed Shirt - bold AW *Goth Jacket - liteAW *Goth Jacket - dark AW *Aristocratic Goth - azureAW *Aristocratic Goth- darkness
Club VIP Weekly Rewards 4/30/21 AW *His Exposed Shirt - checkAW *His Exposed Shirt - bold AW *Goth Jacket - liteAW *Goth Jacket - dark AW *Aristocratic Goth - azureAW *Aristocratic Goth- darkness
Today, version 4.8 of the Windows VZones software is available to download. This software is the latest stable version and soon to become the minimum supported version which means all old versions will no longer be supported. 4.8 contains bug…
VARiATiONS 2 - 605 will outfit you for fun in the sun. Just ducky isn't it. ;) The Springtime Crop Tops are this week's new art VARiATiONS 2 - 605 6 GoldAW *Springtime Crop Top - blackAW *Springtime Crop Top…
Club VIP Weekly Rewards 4/23/21 AW *Smitten - pinkAW *Smitten - blue AW *Butterfly Dress - azureAW *Butterfly Dress - royal AW *VaBs FanDancer - opalAW *VaBs FanDancer - pastel
Wraps in many colors are here in VARiATiONS 2 - 604, along with more hats and outfits. The Little Lucy dresses are this week's new art. VARiATiONS 2 - 604 6 GoldAW *Lil Lucy's Dress - pinkAW *Lil Lucy's Dress…
Club VIP Weekly Rewards 4/16/21 AW Butterfly Bodice - springAW Butterfly Bodice - bright AW Butterfly Barrettes - springAW Butterfly Barrettes - bright AW Moody Lynx Ears - springAW Moody Lynx Ears - brightAW Moody Lynx Ears - darkAW Moody…
Hosted by Cosmic Andy he successfully launched the first group activity with members painting a cute bear. During this 1 hour event citizens work on creating custom paint codes for the item and send the request to the host, who…
Due to the overwhelming success of the monthly auction, citizens Nodnarb & Suzie have expanded operations to a new custom built auction house. They will be hosting an auction every month from inside this building, and now you can preview…
You will find a lot to accessorize with in VARiATiONS 2 - 603, and a little something to help you feel more secure. :) The Chained Melody shirts are this week's new art. VARiATiONS 2 - 603 6 GoldAW *Chained…
We have recently been asked why body tickets are no longer a supported feature of VZones. In this blog post we explain our reasons for discontinuing this feature. In past years, 2014 and before a feature of VZones included body…