February ’19 Turf Deco Contest
Submitted by RBC
Here we go again my family…
Its Deco time. For all of you who love to deco here is a challenge for you.
The Theme is: Love is in the air.
Since we all enjoy celebrating Love and this is the month for Love what a better contest.
The rules are simple.
Build as much as you can using ideas from the old ways. Made with imagination and scratch. Some things can be pre made but not all..
There will not be a VIP contest this month.
Dead line to enter will be Feb 24,2019 12pm vzt.. Winners will be announced Feb 28th..
The prizes are GOLD!!!
1st place 30 gold
2nd place 20 gold
3rd place 10 gold
All entries must be submitted via the forums.
Esp me (RBC) to enter the contest.
Have fun and good luck to all who wish to enter I look forward to seeing everyones wonderful ideas
Thank you