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May 2022 Update

“In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.”
-Paul Harvey

This month’s prize week will be May 8-14. Be sure to play that week for a chance to win the limited edition prizes.

Laesea and HeartBeat will be hosting the UFO Invasion Event May 21-23. There will be vendos available before the event so you can get into the spirit.

VZones Raffle

Join in the fun every Sunday at 9pm VZT with the Raffle Team.
Here are the prizes for this month:

VZones Raffle Fox – May ’22
VZ Raffle Goober – May ’22
VZones Raffle Dragon – May ’22
VZ Raffle BadHairDay-May ’22
VZones Raffle Horns – May ’22
VZRaffle BucketHat – May ’22
VZ Raffle Paint Voucher May ’22
VZones Raffle Purse – May ’22
VZ Raffle Lovebond – May’22
VZ Raffle Earrings – May ’22
VZ Raffle Sunnies – May ’22

Pan News

Prize Schedule will be as follows:
Week 1 (1-6) Amusing Amethyst & Arctic Brooks
Week 2 (7-12) Autumn Silas & Blushing Moonstone
Week 3 (13-18) Daffodil Dilly & Glistening Glacier
Week 4 (19-24) Meadow Brook & Promising Pyrite
Week 5 (25-31) Rockin Rhodium & Slithering Serpentine

Main Prizes are Swinging Seats and On the Hunts
Door prizes are New Friends and River Snacks

Be on the look out for Pans on the street doing the street games!

They will flip a coin for you and if it lands on a smile, you win the main prize, “Slithering’s Raccoon Pal ’22!”.
If the coins lands on a frown, you win the door prize , “Slithering’s Raccoon Bandit ’22”.
Each month will be a different Brothers color!

KYMR Prizes

Come visit Ðarksider J and JavaBean at every Thursday in the KYMR studio and Saturday at the ClubSC Dance Floor at 8pm VZT for tunes, dancing, and laugher. You may also win one of these prizes:

KYMR Media Player May ’22
KYMR Cap May ’22
KYMR Radio DJ – May ’22 (C)
KYMR Stratocaster – May ’22
KYMR Mascot Mar ‘May

Activity Prize

Join Morning Glory Mondays and Fridays at 10pm for Prize & Voucher Hunt. Morning Glory will also be dropping Silver Vouchers during her Prize & Voucher Hunts.

Mom’s Cookie Jar ’22 (C)

Host Accessories

Hosts may request any or all of the host accessories. Here is the current selection.

Dedicated Host Hat May ’22
Host Sash May ’22
I’m a Star Host! May ’22
Dedicated Host Badge May ’22
Host Badge May ’22
The Dragon Host May ’22

Prize Market

PM VZ Classic Vendo / Prize Art

PM Specials & Classic AW

PM Shop Specials

PM Wedding Items

Club VIP

The AW Rewards Shop Clerks will get your items for you. The hours that there is a shop clerk on duty are posted on the schedule which is located on the wall outside Club VIP. Unghost and click on it to view it. Please note: Only the main avatar on a VIP account can get items from Club VIP

This month in Club VIP

VIP Hello May – May 2022
Club VIP May FuzzBall ’22
Club VIP Hello May Ticket

Use the ticket to redeem for any 2 of the items below

AW *Goddess of the Night – azur
AW *Goddess of the Night – nite

AW*Cloak of the Talisman – azur
AW*Cloak of the Talisman – nite

AW *William Thatcher – night
AW *William Thatcher – azur

May Weekly Rewards

ClubVIP Weekly Rewards – 5/6/22
AW *Male Shorts – indigo
AW *Male Shorts – silver
AW *Summer Shorts – indigo
AW *Summer Shorts – silver

ClubVIP Weekly Rewards- 5/13/22
AW *Anchors Away – rwb
AW *Female Tiny Casual – prime
AW Batter Up – blue/white
AW Devilish Mood Horns

ClubVIP Weekly Rewards- 5/20/22
AW *Elegent Blossom – gold/blk
AW *Sexy Siren Dress – blk/gld

ClubVIP Weekly Rewards- 5/27/22
AW *Classic Sleeveless – purple
AW *Sleeveless Nite – violet
AW *Dragon Eye Shirt – purple
AW *Classic Capri’s – purple
AW *Lucy’s Leggins – purple
AW *Golden Net – gold/purple

May 2022 Update

Pyewacket/Pye Wabbit

Inworld trouble maker (in one form or another) since 1999

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