Mega Grand Opening
Need a shopping fix? Does your turf need a makeover? If so head to the newly opened Turf Furnishings Megastore.
The Megastore is located in the Market Place in newHorizone. Inside you’ll find two floors of exquisite furnishings for your turf. On the first floor you’ll find cabinets, lighting, fireplaces, bathroom fixtures, dining sets and more. The second floor has everything you need you create a cozy, beautiful, and unique bedroom.
You will want to visit all the showrooms (watch for up arrows). Many designs come in a wide variety of colors. Most items sell for either AW Gold or tokens, make sure you choose the correct payment option. Click on the coins outside at the Megastore entrance to purchase AW Gold or Tokens.
Please thank Polly for the amazing work she did to create this wonderful store.