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October News

Welcome to October! We are going to do the monthly updates a little differently starting this month. We have been doing a post on the first of the month just showing the new colors for the Fuzzie and Gremlin in the Prize Market, and the Chest and Fuzzie in the VIP Lounge. And in a separate post the new colors for the Radio Show prizes. Those will all be in here, but first some news.

handsomedj is back

handsomedj and beannie will be doing a radio show inworld again. A date when it will begin hasn’t been announced yet but we are all looking forward to it. Watch the blog for an interview with them later this month. We are all thrilled to have them back and excited to have more radio shows to enjoy. beannie and handsomedj visited Ðarksider J and JavaBean’s show on Saturday and were greeted very warmly and enthusiastically by all who were there.

WorldsAway Token Lottery

Beginning October 1, you can buy lottery tickets from inworld staff for 10T per ticket. There will be a limit of 40 tickets per avatar. All proceeds will go to one lucky winner. The weekly drawing will be held during Ðarksider J and JavaBean’s radio show on Saturdays. You do not need to be present to win. Winner will be contacted by staff. Good luck!

Sponsored activities allow approved members to organize an inworld activity for members to join in. The organizer of the activity will be rewarded with XP, prizes, gold or tokens. For more information or to sign up, visit the Sponsored Activities page.

Desktop Wallpapers

We have a selection of VZones wallpapers for your desktop. Rumor has it that tablet and phone wallpapers may be coming soon as well.

Weekend Fun

Next weekend, October 6 & 7, we have something fun planned for you. Watch for details later this week.


The staff is working hard on Halloween celebrations. We have a lot of things planned so keep an eye on the blog for more information.

Pixel News

The Fuzzie and Gremlin in the Prize Market have new colors for October.

October Gremlin ’18
October Prize Fuzzie ’18

Radio Show prizes are no longer pink! <g> We believe they fit in well this month.

KYMR Greatest Hits – Oct ’18
KYMR Radio Tunes – Oct ’18
KYMR Radio DJ – Oct ’18
KYMR Stratocaster – Oct ’18
KYMR Rock in Peace – Oct ’18

Sensing a theme yet?

Finally, the VIP Chest and Fuzzie have new colors as well.

VIP Chest – October ’18
VIP Fuzzie – October ’18

The VIP AW gifts will be arriving later in the month.

There are more things in the works for the future so stay tuned.

October News

Pyewacket/Pye Wabbit

Inworld trouble maker (in one form or another) since 1999

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