October News
Welcome to October! We are going to do the monthly updates a little differently starting…
Welcome to March! We have some exciting things happening this month. You may be wondering why the Prize Market Lobby is the featured image. There is more information on that below. Here are the updates for March.
Prize Market
As usual, the Fuzzie and Gremlin have been updated for March.
March Gremlin ’19
March Prize Fuzzie ’19
It’s time for the Prize Market to rotate its offerings. The first rooms’s items will change, but the focus will stay the same. This room will contain classic vendo and prize items. The last room will change from the Valentine’s Day event prizes to St. Patrick’s event prizes after that event. The Rocky Horror Picture Show event prizes will remain a bit longer.
The big changes will come in the two middle rooms. One will now be called Shop Specials and will feature selected items from Variations and the Turf Furnishings Mega Store. The other room will feature a mix of new and classic AW items not currently offered elsewhere inworld. The prices in these rooms will be significantly reduced to bring the voucher value more in line with other iw currencies.
Look for the changes in the Prize Market to be completed in the next week.
Host News
As has been announced, the gold rewards for hosting have ended for now. We will be changing the host voucher’s value from one to two vouchers. With the reduction in prices in the AW section of the Prize Market, you will find that your vouchers are significantly more valuable.
Gold for hosting in February will be paid in the next few days.
Editor’s note: The decision has been made to reinstate the gold payments, but with new requirements for game results posting. The host voucher value will remain one voucher. The hosting rules page will be updated to reflect the changes.
March’s Host Accessories are available, you may request any or all of them.
I’m a Star Host! March ’19
Host Sash March ’19
The Dragon Host March ’19
Host Badge March ’19
Dedicated Host Badge March ’19
Dedicated Host Hat March ’19
VIP Gifts
Here are the gifts in the Club VIP VIP Gifts room. While all avatars on a VIP account can wear the heads and bodies and use the services of Pierre the Painter, the VIP gifts are only for the main avatar on a VIP account.
Happy St Patty’s Day 2019
St Patty’s VIP Chest March ’19
AW Shamrock Pendant – clover
AW Lucky Shamrock Shades-clover
Pan Prizes
Here is a peek at what the Pans are offering this month.
Activity Prize
The pixel prize for March is a brand new animated item. It is available as a prize for the Prize Hunt, Ghost Racing, and Hide & Seek. Look for them on the schedule.
Flying Purple People Eater ’19
St Patrick’s Event
We will be having an event on March 16th & 17th celebrating St Patrick’s Day. Hosts who would like to participate should contact Pyewacket inworld with Game, Day, Time they would like to host. Games not on the regular schedule will be held in the event Game Rooms. Hosts who are on the regular schedule for the weekend may move their games to the event Game Rooms by contacting Pyewacket.
There will an Auction on Saturday March 2nd at 7pm. Check the schedule or contact Coal inworld for more details.
As always watch the Forum, the Official Facebook Page and the Schedule to keep updated on inworld happenings.
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TY Pye.. everything looks Great !!!!