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New Blog Contributor

I’m going to be contributing articles to the VZones Blog. Many of you know me as Pyewacket and/or Pye Wabbit. I’ve been around for years and managed the Pixel Post in nH for some time. 

Since blogs rather than newspapers are the thing these days, I’ll be posting things much like we had in those newspapers here. To that end, I’d like your help. Please let me know what sorts of things you’d like to see, or if you have a story about inworld life you’d like to tell.

A story I’m working on now is on “The Littles of VZones”. Many of us enjoy playing with the small avatars, or both small and large. I’d love to talk with some of you about that. If I don’t find you, and you’d like to participate, give me a shout.

I’m looking forward to being your inworld reporter.

New Blog Contributor

Pyewacket/Pye Wabbit

Inworld trouble maker (in one form or another) since 1999

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